2010. április 20., kedd

Pics for Werner

Nos a cow-os csatajelentésekre még várni kell, ugyanis a zh-k miatt nem tudom mikor lesz időm megírni, de első ellenfelemnek megigértem hogy felrakom a képeket a meccsünkről.
Úgyhogy egyelőre itt vannak a képek, aztán remélhetőleg a közeljövőben jönnek közéjük betűk is.

6 megjegyzés:

  1. Hello,

    was there with Werner- can't understand one word you write though. Here is the link to my post on the tournament.

    c u on the battlefield

  2. Hi,

    Daxora only wrote, that he has no time to write any battle reports because of the exams still waiting for him. But since he promised Werner to put the pictures on the blog, now, there they are. :)

    Boys, I think, it's time to write the blog in two languages. :P

  3. @Wolflord_EC:
    How do you know that we are boys? :-)

  4. Ok, sorry girls. :-D But I thought, Daxora with such a long beard can't be another gender. My mistake. :P

  5. Ever heard of dwarven ladies? xP
    By the way Wolflord, you can get the honourable mission of translating all our posts to any and every foreign language known to mankind =D
    (Yes, including dead languages)

  6. Profanus Daxora.:)

    Learned 2 years latin. :D And a year old german, including nord german letters. :)Still can read the old-german letters too...
